Toxic Torts in a Nutshell

Author: Eggen, Jean Macchiaroli
Edition: 7th
Copyright Date: 2023
  • Publication Date: September 26th, 2023
  • ISBN: 9781685616410
  • Subject: Toxic Torts/Hazardous Materials
  • Series: Nutshells
  • Type: Overviews
  • Description: This work introduces the study of toxic torts and identifies the theories of liability related to both toxic products and environmental pollution. It also covers special defendants, such as employers, governmental entities, and government contractors; workers’ compensation; insurance coverage issues; key defenses such as statutes of limitations and preemption; causation and scientific evidence; and new theories of injury and damages. The work also addresses mass toxic torts and the procedural issues that accompany them. Substantial updates include public nuisance actions; liability for “take-home” toxins; and numerous issues arising in litigation involving talc, PFAS (“forever chemicals”); e-cigarettes; glyphosate; and opioids.